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Truehearts breeds:


Truehearts breed double gold laced, silver laced and blue laced. We are always working to improve the standard and colour of chooks.


Truehearts currently have beautiful large buff Cochins.  These are quite rare in Tasmania.


At the moment, we have some young chicks rearing in the brooder of an assortment of colours.Most of which will be added to our flock.  These placid birds lay blue eggs.


We breed white, partridge, buff, silver and blue Silkies.  We will be adding other colours and hopefully bearded's as our numbers grow.


Truehearts have a very colourful but small flock of VERY friendly Pekins.

Japanese bantam:

We currently have a large number of young Japanese bantams who will be a breeding flock. We have black-tailed white, blue birchen, white and black.


Truehearts have a VERY small flock of young Marans. These little guys will hopefully in the future produce a lovely rich brown egg.



Indian Runner Ducks:

Truehearts currently breed this very funny but beautiful breed in the following colours: White,Fawn and white, Black and harlequin.

Call ducks (Bantam Ducks):

Our little calls are pure white,silver and silver apricot.These are a gorgeous breed that are small so make a great backyard pet. Make great (protective) sitters and even though they're little still lay a lovely sized egg.

Sebastopol Geese:

These Geese are quite rare. And we currently have have 2 gosling's out in the flock. A white and a saddleback. Sebastopol's are the geese with the long feathers that curl making them look like frizzle geese :)

Truehearts Poultry


Healthy, free-ranging backyard poultry

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